Monday, January 28, 2008

Still Alive

I spent Christmas and the New Year back in the UK, my first real winter in nearly 5 years. Hopefully my last real winter in at least 5 years too. Grey skies, cold winds and near permenant rain doesn't suit me, I got sick and spent most of the holidays in bed.

I'm back in Buenos Aires now, and have spent the last week searching for small farms in Mendoza, I blogged about my desire to live the Good Life nearly 2 years ago, I think it's finally time to take the plunge.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back dude !
Don't give up the blog. I enjoy reading it too much.

Perpetual_Traveller said...

Hey, thanks.

La Cremiere said...

Oh! You exagerate. I was in London for Christmas and so far winter has been really mild and sunny. You wouldn't believe but we're having an early Spring and an average of 10 degrees. Mind you compared to Buenos Aires, sure England will look gloom. Any chance of you adding pictures of BA on your blog?

Perpetual_Traveller said...

Ha la cremiere, memory has a funny way of playing tricks, no? I seem to remember it raining every day and being extrememly cold most days. Perhaps it wasn't quite that bad?

There are a few photos of BA scattered around this blog, though admittedly not as many as there should be. I lack any kind of creative tempremant I'm afraid.

Nice blog btw.

Dom Reid said...

Hiya buddy...sorry I didn't make it over at Christmas, I manage to be sick as a dog too from Christmas eve until new year, which kinda finishes me off when it comes to the UK... I'm going to be anywhere but here next winter.
Having said that am looking forward to summer here, I might even get a wagon and gypsy about the country until the leaves start falling,
Good luck with the house,
Dom (

Perpetual_Traveller said...

No worries Dom.

I'll be in touch eventually.