I am a current Perpetual Traveller. I ditched a conventional career in my late 20's to become a travelling online poker player.
Currently living in Buenos Aires, Argentina after sampling South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.
Happy New Year!
2025 Year of the Golden Age "old world, gold economy, as viewed thru modern
eyes" or "way to move from US$ without war". -Another (5/5/98) As you can
see, ...
Holy Spirit Volunteer Meal Relva Azores
I was kindly invited by Carlos Lousada to go to the volunteers meal at
Relva and yet again, I was amazed at what can happen in a small community
of 3000 pe...
Yeah I know how it is. I lost 20% of my money when the dollar fell against the yen
The current strength of the dollar has put a fairly large spanner in the works for me, probably set me back around a year in terms of buying my land.
Ah well, it's only money.
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