Any player worth his salt knows Fri and Sat nights will be your biggest earners.
After hardly playing last weekend, and having plans for tomorrow night (saturday) I knew I had to put some hours in tonight.
I employed Strategy 1 all night, for about 6hrs in total. For about 4 of these hours I was playing 3 tables at once. For the last 2 hours I played just one table and did a little other surfing. I was clearing a bonus at all times.
I was happy with how I played, I must've played 800-900 hands and I think I only played 4-5 of them badly. I played good tight aggressive poker. I tried hard to get as many reads as possible throught my first 4hrs. Focusing on my opponents whenever I had a chance! My EV in bonus for this play was approx US$90, by squeezing out 1 big bet (BB) per hour (0.25BB/hr/table) I'd expect to profit $18/hr. If I'd have multi-tabled the last 2 hours this would've jumped to $20/hr.
Sadly, playing well doesn't necessarily always mean a winning session. But IMO losing as little as possible when the unlucky streaks inevitably descend on you is key to becoming a profitable player.
In my first 2hrs I was +$43, 3-tabling RitzClub @ 5BGP/hr/table.
The $1/$2 full-ring limit tables were stupidly tight as always, but the US$45 in bonuses for 2hrs work are definitely worth it. You need to adapt your game at these ultra-tight tables. I think after 2hrs at one table my flop % was just 3%! I'd had horrible cards and virtually no opportunities to attmept to steal. When I did have a chance I would inevitably pick up the blinds. Some good hands at the other tables helped. I wish there were more than just 5hrs/month in bonuses at Ritz ;-)
I then opened up and sat at a $2/$4 limit for their 200hands for 25GBP monthly deal. The deal used to be the same as Ritz but they changed the terms and conditions this month. Bottom line $1/$2 is no longer worth much in EV (maybe US$2/hr/table). At $2/$4 one table ahould be worth around $8/hr in bonuses. 1bb/hr in winnings on top to make it $12/hr would be nice. I had two tables open at the same time, both $1/$2, one 6Max and one 10Max. These were bringing in $10/hr in bonuses between them.
All went well, I was up on all 3 tables. I'd concentrated hard and had decent reads on about 1/3 of my opponents after 45mins or so. I at least had all the clowns noted, and I had some idea of most of who the Tight-Aggressives (TAGs) were. If in doubt assume 'TAG' is the way I play it.
The $2/$4 had one loose-aggressive (LAG) who had paid my AKs off 4BBs a few hands before. I was dealt KK in middle position. Our LAG limps in UTG and I raise, everyone folds including the blinds, and our LAG re-raises. I cap, he's in......Great!! Heads-Up with a LAG and I have KK.
The flop comes with no A, and no real draws. LAG bets, I re-raise,he 3 bets.......and something in my gut tells me I shouldnt be making it 4.....but of course my commonsense tells me I have to. I do.
The turn is a nothing card and he comes out betting again. This time I listen to my gut and just call him down. I suspect most good players would say 1 more raise here, maybe some would say cap all rounds. My LAG had played some pretty weak hands overaggressively tonight a couple of times already.
The river is again nothing, no A, no flush, no paired board. I think the board is Q high. I call his river bet.
He showsdown AA and I'm out 6BBs ($24).
I'm betting long-term I should play this hand way more aggressively after the turn in the future. But for tonight I escaped the hand with minimum loses.
And then the cold streak: QQ busted by 66. AK busted by AT, KK busted by A8s to name but a few. I ended up going on a 1.5hr long 30BB (US$120) downswing. I quit the table -30BB after 2hrs, I'd earned $15 in bonus money from that 1 table.
My $1/$2 play at Bet365 was OK. Nothing spectacular. I played 400 raked hands or so and ended up +5BBs ($10) whilst earning $40 in bonus, so +$50.
All this means I ended up -$18 for my 6hrs work! Hitting a downswing at my highest limit for the night hurt me. I would have been +$42 had I lost 30BBs at $1/$2 not $2/$4. Long term this wont be a problem. I played well and I know if I continue to play well those 30BBs at $2/$4 will come back. Sooner rather than later preferably.
This is a fairly long post, but it pretty much defines Strategy 1: Tight, Aggressive, Multitable play at a variety of sites in order to continuosly clear a good bonus. It's not rocket science, plenty are doing it, and plenty are talking about it.
I'll limit my discussion of it for now. I want to investigate 2 further different strategies. More on these next time.
Until then: be well.
Happy New Year!
2025 Year of the Golden Age "old world, gold economy, as viewed thru modern
eyes" or "way to move from US$ without war". -Another (5/5/98) As you can
see, ...
1 month ago